Thursday, March 27

· a brand is born ·

I have always been a fan of Orangina...the light, effervescent and citrusy drink is very refreshing on warm days. I even love the shape of the bottle! My favorite Orangina flavor, however, is one you can't find stateside. I remember the first time I tried the blood orange was one of my first purchases on my visit to Paris. In a small convenient store near the Centre Pompidou is where I picked up a bottle. Now, I've always been a little confused by the statement on the side of the bottle which says 'shake it' (because of the carbonation) here I was in Paris...and once again I'm questioning the command to 'shake it'. Well, apparently this Frenchmen standing nearby overhears me stating my confusion to my traveling companions because he looks at me and confirms: 'Yes, you shake it!'. (Actually, I think he gave more of a charades gesture to 'shake it'...but you get the picture.) Anyways, I think we all got a bit of a chuckle out of that.

Reminiscing aside, it's fitting that I have fond memories of Orangina in Paris. Why, you might ask? Well...these lovely abstract Orangina posters that you see above were designed by French artist Bernard Villemot in 1953. His swirling orange peel design would become the mark used by Orangina in their logo. Aren't the colors great?! So vibrant and colorful!

As a graphic designer and an artist, I am always appreciative to see such a fun and lovely logo come from a great piece of art! Now go get yourself an Orangina and don't forget to 'shake it'!


KimmyDarling said...

Those are so cool! Love the top two, especially.

I've never tried Orangina, but your post makes me want to now. (Even though it does sound scary to shake it!)


jennifer said...

I was really hooked on San Pellegrino Aranciata last year. It comes in a foil-topped can here. They make a decent hangover helper, but I totally overdid them and I'm on a break.

jennifer said...

Yes, that's the right header! Love it!